McSherrystown Borough Council Meeting – 1/3/2021 – Reorganization Meeting


Agenda- January 3rd 2022 6PM
Borough Council:
William Smith
Dan Colgan
Joyce Murren
Mark Lookenbill
Joseph VonSas
Donna Spangler
Tim Klunk
Mayor & Staff:
Kathleen Todt (Mayor)
Justin George (Solicitor)
Becky Tims (Sec/Treasurer)
Anna Lescalette (Admin Asst.)
John Weiser (Constable)
1. Call to Order by Presiding Officer – Mayor Kathleen Todt
2. Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Kathleen Todt
3. Invocation for Divine Guidance – Mayor Kathleen Todt
4. Attendance Roll – Secretary/Treasurer Becky Tims
a. William Smith
b. Daniel Colgan
c. Mark Lookinbill
d. Joyce Murren
e. Joe VonSas
f. Donna Spangler
g. Tim Klunk
5. Call for nominations for President of the Council – Mayor Kathleen
a. Roll Call Vote
6. Call for nominations for Vice President of the Council – Mayor Todt
a. Roll Call Vote
7. Handoff of Gavel to newly elected President of the Council
Appointments – President of the Council
8. Appointment of Chairperson Pro-Tem
9. Appointment of Chairperson of Vacancy Board
10.Naming Authorized Signers for Borough Accounts
11. Appointment of Committee Chairpersons
a. Planning & Zoning
b. Highways
c. Building & Grounds
d. Safety
e. Recreation
f. Civil Service
g. Finance
h. Sewer
i. Solid Waste
Other Business
12.Needed Motions:
The following resolutions are presented for consideration:
2022-1 – Fees for Operation of Recreational Facilities
2022-2 – Fees and Charges Schedule for Zoning Building
2022-3 – Compensation, Appointments, Salaries
2022-4 – Distribution of Act 205 to Pension Plan
2022-5 – Fees for Subdivision and Land Development
2022-6 – Municipal Franchise Fee of Cable TV Service
13.Setting of Time and Place of regular meetings of the Borough of
McSherrystown. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 6pm
14.Appointment of primary and alternate representatives to the YATB:
Meetings: YATB: Jan 17, 2022, April 18, 2022, July 18, 2022, October
17, 2022
15.Approval of the minutes from the Tuesday December 28th meeting
a. Rollcall vote
16.Adams County Borough’s Association meeting schedule. Request for
two council members to be alternates to attend should the primary
and alternate not be able to attend.
Mtg Dates: Jan 17, 2022; March 21, 2022, May 16, 2022,
September 19, 2022, November 21, 2022
Announcement of Next Public Meeting:
The next public meeting of the McSherrystown Borough Council is currently
scheduled for Wednesday January 12th, 2022 at 6pm in the Borough Council
Motion to Adjourn

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