McSherrystown Borough Council Meeting – 3/23/2022

Agenda- March 23th, 2022 6:30 PM
Borough Council:
Dan Colgan
William Smith
Joyce Murren
George Staub
Joseph VonSas
Donna Spangler
Tim Klunk
Mayor & Staff:
Kathleen Todt (Mayor)
Justin George (Solicitor)
John Weiser (Constable)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation for Divine Guidance
4. Attendance Roll call
5. Approval of March 9th Minutes –
6. Announcements
7. Committee Reports
a. Personnel: Dan Colgan
b. Planning & Zoning: William Smith
c. Highways: Donna Spangler
d. Building & Grounds: Tim Klunk
e. Civil Service: George Staub
f. Public Safety: Joyce Murren
g. Recreation: Joyce Murren
h. Sewer: Joseph VonSas
i. Solid Waste: Joseph VonSas
j. Finance: Dan Colgan
k. Mayor’s Office Mayor Todt
l. Solicitor’s Office Justin George
8. Old Business:
a. Code of Conduct Resolution
i. Explanation of Business
ii. Invitation for council to discuss
iii. Open of Public comment / Close of Public Comment
iv. Motions from Council
b. Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance 2022-2 – Continued
i. Explanation of Business
ii. Invitation for council to discuss
iii. Open of Public comment / Close of Public Comment
iv. Motions from Council
New Business:
9. Action on Resignation submission
a. Explanation of Business
b. Invitation for council to discuss
c. Open of Public comment / Close of Public Comment
d. Motions from Council
10. Action to re-Open office to public
Monday-Thurs 8am to 2pm, closed on Fridays – Effective April 4th, 2022
a. Explanation of Business
b. Invitation for council to discuss
c. Open of Public comment / Close of Public Comment
d. Motions from Council
11. Action to Accept Salt and cinder quote from Joint re-bid
a. Explanation of Business
b. Invitation for council to discuss
c. Open of Public comment / Close of Public Comment
d. Motions from Council
Announcement of Next Public Meeting:
The next public meeting of the McSherrystown Borough Council is currently
scheduled for Wednesday April 13, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the Borough Council
Call for Motion to Adjourn

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