Gettysburg Borough Council Meeting – 3/28/2022

Borough Council Work Session

Borough of Gettysburg
Council Work Session Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 28, 2022 – 7:00 PM

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I. Call to Order President Heyser
II. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
III. Announcements President Heyser
IV. Public Comment – Restricted to Old Business and New Agenda Items (not tabled items)
V. Special Presentation
VI. New Business
A. Gettysburg Gateway Connectivity Project Gable/Marshall/Clabaugh
a. Lincoln Square
b. RAISE Grant Submission

VII. Old Business
A. PBS 2022-01 Budget Policy – Departmental Spending Heyser
B. PBS 2022-02 Public Consumption of Alcohol Zone(s) Gable
C. S. English Zoning Text Amendment Request Marshall
VIII. Tabled Old Business (for consideration at future Council meetings)
A. SALDO (with Planning Commission for Revisions)
B. Truck Restrictions/PennDOT Status Update
C. Street Boxes
D. Sidewalk Ordinance Revisions
E. PBS 2019-9 Gettysburg Borough Community Center
F. PBS 2020-4 GIL B1/B2-Chambersburg Storm Sewer Grant
G. PBS 2022-03 Fire Code Revisions
H. PBS 2022-04 Historic District Replacement Material Revisions
I. PBS 2022-05 Public Safety Ordinance Housekeeping
IX. Public Comment (open to items not on the agenda)
X. Adjournment

Gettysburg Municipal Building
59 East High Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Rita C. Frealing (Mayor) Charles R. Gable, MPA (Borough Manager/Treasurer)
Wesley K. Heyser (President) Sara Stull (Asst. Borough Manager/Borough Secretary
Matthew Moon (Vice-President) Kara ReithMaier (HR Coordinator)
John Lawver Karen Mesher (Asst. Borough Secretary/Planning Assistant
Patricia Lawson Carly Marshall (Director of Planning, Zoning & Code Enforcement)
Christopher Berger Debra English (Director of Historic & Environmental Preservation)
Judith Butterfield Robert Harbaugh (Public Works Director)
Chad-Alan Carr Rebecca Fissel (Parking Manager)
Robert Glenny, Jr. (Chief of Police)
Peter Griffioen (Code Compliance Officer)
Dave Sanders (EMS Coordinator)
Chad Clabaugh, PE (Borough Engineer)
Harold Eastman, Jr. (Borough Solicitor)

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