Hanover Borough Council Meeting – 4/27/2022

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2022 AT 7:00 PM
6:30 PM – Executive Session
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Moment of Silence
3. Roll Call
4. Acknowledgement of Executive Session, if any
5. Public Comment
6. Consent Agenda
a. Approve the minutes of March 23, 2022 & March 28, 2022
b. Finance Reports
i. Approve Bills for Payment
ii. Accept Monthly Financial Statement
iii. Accept Monthly Investment Report
c. Purchasing:
i. Hay Harvesting Bid: Award 3 year contract Waggoner Construction – $5,550.00
d. Recreation Agreement: Approve agreement
e. Field Use Agreements: Approve the following:
i. Hanover Diamond Sports – 2 agreements
ii. Southwest York Outlaws – 2 agreements
iii. Healthy Kids Running Series: April 24, May 1, May 8, May 22 and June 5
f. Special Events:
i. Global 6K for Water, May 21, 2022
ii. Memorial Day Parade, May 30, 2022
iii. Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, August 12, 2022
g. Sewer Credit Requests per Resolution #1067
i. Clearspring Enterprises LLC, 702 Blossom Drive – $162.25
ii. Richard Eiserman, 225 Moul Avenue – $3,420.42
h. Market House Leases
i. Arwana Groves, crafts, 1 additional stall, May – December
ii. Hal Mack, honey products, 3 stalls w/electric, May – December
iii. Ryan Robeson, bulk food products, 6 stalls w/electric, May – December

Finance and Personnel Committee – Mr. Roland
1. Consideration of a motion approving Ordinance No. 2323 to set maximum parameters
for potential future bond refinancing pending favorable market conditions.
2. Consideration of a personnel actions including a motion appointing ______ as
Acting Borough Manager effective Monday, May 16, 2022.
3. Consideration of a motion directing the Hanover Borough Civil Service Commission to
provide a certified hiring list for police personnel.
4. Consideration of a motion to enter into a contract with Team LMI for recruitment of a
new Borough Manager at a cost of $1,650 per month up to 4 months.
5. Consideration of a motion to enter into a contract with Team LMI for recruitment of a
new Water Resource Director at a cost of $1,650 up to 4 months.
6. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution No. 1345 for disposition of records and
contract with Shredding Solutions, Inc., Carlisle PA for shredding at a cost not to exceed
$10,000, to be paid for out of fund reserves.
Department of Planning and Engineering – Mr. Hegberg
1. Consideration of a motion to accept the recommendation of the Hanover Borough
Planning Commission to advertise a Zoning Ordinance amendment including
regulations regarding short term rentals for adoption at the May 25, 2022 Hanover
Borough Council meeting.
2. Consideration of a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2322 accepting the deed of
dedication for Gateway Drive and opening said street as a public right of way.
3. Consideration of a motion to release the public improvements bond for the Greater
Hanover Area Housing Corporation for Randolph Street for four (4) housing units.
4. Consideration of a motion approving Resolution No. 1344 for approval of the Charles
Street Subdivision Plan.
Water Resource Department – Mr. Kress
1. Consideration of a motion to approve a capital purchase for leak detection equipment at
a cost of $27, 150 to be funded by water reserves.
Water Resource Department – Mr. Kress
2. Consideration of a motion to approve a capital project at the Water Filter Plant for a
budgeted capital purchase and installation of variable frequency drives from Gettle at a
cost of approximately $17,000.
3. Consideration of a motion to reject all Water Department Materials & Supplies including
ductile iron pipe and fittings, brass service line material, copper tubing, road and service
materials, and tapping sleeves, tapping valves and gate valves; and to pursue
purchasing through the COSTARS program to garner better pricing.
Recreation Board – Dr. Rupp
1. Consideration of a motion to approve the installation of temporary fencing at Wirt Park,
with fencing costs to be funded by the YWCA, for the YWCA children’s program.
Public Works & Facilities Committee – Mr. Kress
1. Consideration of a motion approving the Guthrie Memorial Library roof replacement
project to continue with project design as currently underway and previously contracted.
2. Consideration of a motion to authorize Buchart Horn to develop a design and site
concept, in the amount of $9,400, for a combined public administration/ public safety
facility at the North Street Public Works site; and a Public Works campus at the former
Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant site to house the Public Works Department and
the Water Resources Department, with the effort to be funded from the Capital
Improvements Reserve Fund.
3. Consideration of a motion to authorize Buchart Horn to evaluate and develop design
concepts for improvements to the existing Bare Center at Guthrie Memorial Library in
the amount of$ 2,400, to include audio-visual facilities and an additional meeting room
with effort to be funded from the Capital Improvements Reserve Fund.
4. Consideration of a motion to prepare a request for proposal (RFP) for a replacement
roof for the Hanover Borough Police Department.
Economic Development Committee – Mr. Heqberg
1. Consideration of a motion to approve a management agreement with Hanover
Economic Development Corporation.
2. Consideration of a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2321 to provide funding to the
Hanover Economic Development Corporation.
Page 3
1. Public Comment

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