Gettysburg Borough Council Meeting – 11/14/2022

Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 14, 2022 – 7:00 PM
I. Council – Call to Order President Heyser
II. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance President Heyser
III. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
IV. Announcements President Heyser
V. Approval of Agenda and Minutes – Council
A motion to approve the November 14, 2022 agenda as presented.
A motion to approve minutes of the Council Meeting of October 11, 2022, Public
Hearing for CDBG on October 24, 2022, and Public Hearing for intended
authorization of Act 172 of 2016 Tax Credits on October 24, 2022 as presented.
A motion to approve minutes of the Council Budget Work Sessions on October 17,
October 24, 2022; and November 7, 2022 as presented.
VI. Special Presentation
Mayor Frealing – Proclamation presented to Dave Reese, Parking Meter
Maintenance and Laborer for 41 years retired on November 2, 2022.
VII. Public Comment (Restricted to items listed on the agenda)
VIII. Current and Old Business

A. Department of Planning /Zoning/Code Enforcement
1. Departmental Report Carly Marshall
2. Motions Needing Council Action
B. Department of Historic & Environmental Preservation
1. Departmental Report Debra English
2. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to accept the recommendation of the Borough of Gettysburg Historic
Architectural Review Board (HARB) following its review on October 19, 2022 and
grant a Certificates of Appropriateness for the following applications as presented:
COA 22-0101 MAJOR PROJECT: 404 Baltimore Street – Marc C. McLean to
approve the selective window restoration and replacement project using Marvin
Elevate Ultrex/Wood Windows with the same window system and grid style as
6:30 PM
Cake Reception for Dave Reese Retirement
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 14, 2022 – 7:00 PM
submitted that is consistent with the Gettysburg Design Guide as presented to the Board
in the application dated August 30, 2022; COA-220107 MAJOR PROJECT: 646 York
Street – Sturgill Realty to convert the existing structure from three separate tenant
units into one large unit as submitted and is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior
Guidelines and the Gettysburg Design Guide as presented to the Board in the
application dated September 27, 2022; COA-220105 CRITICAL PROJECT: 145
Carlisle Street – KPI Technology to replace the existing wood siding with Hardy Plank
6” German Lap Siding, repair and repoint the foundation wall, and build a new
bulkhead, and is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior Guidelines and the
Gettysburg Design Guide as presented to the Board in the application dated October 4,
2022; COA-220109 CRITICAL PROJECT: 238 Baltimore Street – Ronald Langdon
to return building to an IBC R-3 Residential Use as a Bed and Breakfast with five or
less rooms for rent and with owner occupancy as their primary residence on the third
floor, and is consistent with the Secretary of Interior Guidelines and the Gettysburg
Design Guide as presented to the Board in the application dated September 28, 2022.
C. Parking Department
1. Departmental Report Becka Fissel
A motion to authorize the entry into a Memorandum of Understanding with the
County of Adams relative to parking services for citizens of Adams County called to
jury duty, with a termination date of December 31, 2025, in order to update and
extend the current Memorandum of Understanding which will expire on December
31, 2022. Wesley K. Heyser, President of Borough Council, and Sara L. Stull, Borough
Secretary, are hereby authorized to execute the Memorandum of Understanding on
behalf of the Borough.
A motion to set a temporary daily rate of $15.00 for parking in the Borough’s
Racehorse Alley Parking Garage, on Saturday, December 3, 2022, during A
Gettysburg Christmas Festival special event.
A motion consistent with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the
Gettysburg Area Retail Merchants Association, Inc. (GARMA) to approve free
holiday parking for the 2022 holiday season, from Thanksgiving Day through New
Year’s Day. Free parking is designated every day from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM during
the holiday season except on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays where parking will be
paid as usual during the metered hours. The designated parking areas, as requested
by GARMA, are as follows: Lincoln Square and the first blocks of Baltimore Street,
York Street, Carlisle Street and Chambersburg Street and the first block of
Steinwehr Avenue.
D. Public Works Department
1. Departmental Report Robert Harbaugh

Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 14, 2022 – 7:00 PM
E. Borough Engineer
1. Engineer Report Chad Clabaugh
2. Motions Needing Council Action
F. Police Department
1. Departmental Report Chief Rob Glenny
A motion to request the Civil Service Commission to proceed with the amendment of
its Rules and Regulations to authorize and facilitate the hiring of police cadets who
have not yet completed Act 120 basic training, as Borough employees, for the
purposes of enabling such police cadets to obtain enrollment at a certified training
school or academy and to complete Act 120 basic training pursuant to the
Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers Education and Training Program.
G. Office of the Manager/Treasurer
1. Borough Secretary’s Report Sara L. Stull
2. Borough Manager’s Report Charles R. Gable
3. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to accept all bills and payrolls as presented.
A motion to adopt a resolution appointing Maher Duessel, a firm of certified public
accountants registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as the independent
auditor of the Borough of Gettysburg during fiscal year 2023 in order to make an
independent examination of the accounting records of the Borough for fiscal year
2022 and to perform such other duties and to exercise the powers as conferred upon
an independent auditor under the Borough Code.
A motion to authorize the Borough Secretary, Sara L. Stull, to give notice and cause
the same to be published that the proposed budget, providing an annual estimate of
revenues and an annual estimate of expenditures for fiscal year 2023, has been
prepared and will be made available for public inspection for a period of not less than
ten (10) days commencing on _Monday, November 28, 2022 and ending at the close
of business on Monday, December 12, 2022, prior to the completion and adoption of
the budget for fiscal year 2023 by the Borough Council.
A motion to authorize the preparation and finalization of a proposed resolution, for
consideration and intended adoption at the next monthly general business meeting of
the Borough Council to be held on Monday, December 12, 2022, for the purpose of
setting, updating and confirming the Borough’s fees and charges for the issuance of
licenses, permits and the provision of municipal services in fiscal year 2023.
A motion to authorize the solicitor to prepare and finalize a proposed tax resolution
for consideration and intended adoption at the monthly general business meeting of
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 14, 2022 – 7:00 PM
the Borough Council to be held on Monday, December 12, 2022, for the purposes of
fixing the real property tax rate for the Borough of Gettysburg for fiscal year 2023 at
4.1770 mills, the occupation tax rate at 30 mills and the fire protection services
appropriations tax rate at .2500 mills.
A motion to authorize the finalization and the publication for intended enactment of
a proposed ordinance of the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg at its
December 12, 2022 monthly general business meeting pursuant to Pennsylvania Act
172 of 2016, as amended, authorizing certain tax credits against tax liability imposed
by the annual tax on real estate and the annual tax on earned income, as levied by the
Borough of Gettysburg, as incentives for the use and benefit of certain individuals
who are qualified and certified as active volunteers for the provision of fire protection
services in the Borough as provided by and through the Gettysburg Fire Department.
A motion to authorize the preparation and finalization of a proposed resolution for
consideration and intended adoption at the December 12, 2022 monthly general
business meeting of the Borough Council for the purpose of establishing the annual
criteria for a volunteer providing fire protection services in the Borough of
Gettysburg to be certified as an active volunteer in order to claim certain tax credits
against tax liability imposed by the annual tax on real estate and the annual tax on
earned income, as levied by the Borough of Gettysburg, pursuant to the ordinance
intended to be enacted by the Borough Council pursuant to Pennsylvania Act 172 of
2016, as amended.
A motion to adopt a resolution approving the proposed 2022 Emergency Operations
Plan (EOP) for Gettysburg Borough, Adams County, as the updated and current
disaster emergency management plan for the Borough as required pursuant to the
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Code.
IX. Reports
A. Liaison Reports
1. MSG Jill Sellers
Main Street Gettysburg
2. GARA Chad Carr
Gettysburg Area Recreation Authority
3. GMA Christopher Berger
Gettysburg Municipal Authority
4. SAHGB Judith Butterfield
Steinwehr Avenue Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield
5. ACBA Mayor Frealing
Adams County Boroughs Association
6. ACCOG Judith Butterfield
Adams County Council of Governments
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 14, 2022 – 7:00 PM
7. ACTPO Judith Butterfield
Adams County Transportation Planning Organization
8. HABP Patricia Lawson
Healthy Adams Bicycle Pedestrian, Inc.
9. Overdose Awareness Task Force Matt Moon
10. Trail Feasibility Study Christopher Berger
B. Other Reports
1. Recycling Report
X. Elected Official’s Comments
A. Mayor Rita Frealing
B. Wesley Heyser
C. Patricia Lawson
D. Judith Butterfield
E. Christopher Berger
F. John Lawver
G. Matthew Moon
H. Chad Carr
XI. Public Comment
XII. Adjournment

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