Gettysburg Borough Council Work Session – 7/24/2023

Borough of Gettysburg
Council Work Session Meeting Agenda
Monday, July 24, 2023 – 7:00 PM
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I. Call to Order President Heyser

II. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
III. Announcements President Heyser
 National Night Out – Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at GARA
 CDBG Public Hearing #2 – Monday, August 28, 2023
An executive session of the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg
was conducted immediately following the adjournment of the July 10,
2023 monthly business meeting of the Borough Council consistent with
section 708(a)(4) and section 708(a)(5) of the Sunshine Act.
IV. Special Presentation

Gettysburg Municipal Authority (GMA) Mark Guise
Utilities Manager
V. Public Comment (Restricted to items appearing on the agenda – not tabled items)
VI. Old Business
A. Employee Policy Manual Riethmaier / Gable

 Chapter 10 (Version 4.0) Final Review
 Chapters 14, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24 (Version 3.0) Final Review
 Chapters 25 – 33 (Version 2.0) Review
 Cover Page (Mission Statement)
VII. New Business
VIII. Public Comment
(Open to items currently tabled or not listed on the agenda)

IX. Tabled Old Business (for consideration at future Council meetings)
A. SALDO (with Planning Commission for Revisions)
B. Street Boxes
C. Theft of Services Ordinance
D. Employee Policy Manual
E. PBS 2016-12 Sidewalk Ordinance Revisions
F. PBS 2016-15 Transient Retail Business Ordinance
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Work Session Meeting Agenda
Monday, July 24, 2023 – 7:00 PM
Page 2 of 8
G. PBS 2016-40 Satellite Dishes in Historic District
H. PBS 2017-04 Sign Ordinance Revisions
I. PBS 2019-03 Investment and Debt Policy
J. PBS 2019-05 Lefevre Street Parking Lot Agreement with GASD
K. PBS 2019-09 Gettysburg Welcome Center Construction and Management
L. PBS 2020-08 Code Enforcement Ticketing
M. PBS 2022-01 Budget Policy – Personnel Spending
N. PBS 2022-03 Fire Code Revisions – Knox Box Ordinance
O. PBS 2022-04 Historic District Replacement Material Revisions
P. PBS 2022-05 Public Safety Ordinance Housekeeping
Q. PBS 2022-06 Portable Restrooms
X. Adjournment

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