Carroll Valley Borough Council Meeting – 12/12/2023

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2023 – 7:00 P.M.
Richard Mathews, Council President, presiding
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
1. Approval of Minutes: November 14, 2023, Regular Meeting
2. Open to the public
a. Citizens wishing to comment will be recognized in the Order of their listing on the Appearance Sheet and
are asked to stand up and give their name, address, and organization they represent (if applicable).
Impromptu comments are limited to five minutes per individual.
3. Ordinances and Resolutions
4. Mayor’s Report – R. Harris
a. Police Report
b. Around Town
c. Upcoming Events & Meetings of Interest
d. In Requiem
5. Fire/EMS/EMA Report
6. Committee Reports
a. Planning Commission
7. Administrative Business – Borough Manager
a. Treasurer’s Report – November 2023
b. 2024 Budget – for Approval
• Ordinance #6-2023:2024 Tax Rate – for Approval
• Resolution #15-2023:2024 Fire Tax Resolution
c. Re-organization Meeting – for Advertisement
d. Capital Purchase
e. Committee Reappointments
8. Unfinished Business
a. Grant Funding Updates
b. 8 Fawn Trail – Exception for Chicken Coup
9. New Business
a. Requested Zoning Overlay District Amendment
10. Open to the public
a. Citizens wishing to comment will be asked to stand up and give their name, address, and organization
they represent (if applicable). Impromptu comments are limited to five minutes per individual.
11. Adjournment

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