Hanover Borough Finance & Personnel / Council Workshop – 3/20/2023

Hanover Borough Council Workshop/Finance and Personnel Committee
March 20th, 2024 – 7:00pm
44 Frederick St Hanover
and VIA Zoom for Public access.
1. Public Comment
2. Acknowledgement of Executive Session, if any
3. Presentation
a. PFM: Bond Debt Ordinance
b. York County Planning Commission: Eisenhower Drive & Broadway
Chris Caba, Senior Transportation Planner
c. Lepson Research Group: Rental Registration Survey Results
4. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes: Approval of Minutes of February 21, 2024
b. Finance Reports:
i. Approve Bills for Payment
ii. Accept Monthly Financial Statement
iii. Accept Report of Monthly Investments
c. Motor Oil, Lubricants’ & Transmission Fluid
i. Approve bid award to PPC Lubricants
d. Special Events – Approve
i. Pride Fest – June 29, 2024, Moul Field
e. Police Department Civil Service Regulations Revisions – Approve
i. Language revisions related to charges, fines & suspension
– Article VII, Section 704, and Article VIII Sections 801 & 803
ii. Illegal Drug Usage revisions
– Article III, Section 305 & Applicant Drug Polic
f. Disposition of Records: Approve Resolution
g. Landfill Hay Bid Contract: Approve 5 year extension with 5% increase
5. Finance, Personnel and Administration
a. PA Broadband Development Authority: Approve resolution no. __ for grant submission for Guthrie Library Improvements/Public Broadband Access
b. AFSCME Blue Contract: Approve side letters agreement for sick leave
c. Pension Plans – Approve revisions recommended by actuary
6. Public Safety
a. Advertisement of Proposed Traffic Ordinances:
i. Installation of stop signs on Fame Avenue at intersection of Moul Avenue
ii. Elimination of stop sign on East Walnut Street near Fame Avenue
iii. Parking restriction on 200 block Eagle Avenue
b. Kindig Lane & High Street: Ratify support letter to PennDOT for temporary signal light
c. PCCD JAG* Grant Submission – Approve Resolution for funding for police body cameras and appurtenances
(*Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency Justice Assistance Grant)
7. Planning Commission
a. Cherry Tree V Preliminary Land Development Plan: Accept offer to grant Extension until June 26, 2024 for plan approval
8. Parks & Recreation
a. YMCA Summer Playground Agreements: Approve agreement
9. Reports of Council Members, Council Committees and Other Public Bodies
10. Management Repots
11. Correspondence and Information
12. Additional Public Comment
13. Adjournment

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