Gettysburg Borough Council Work Session – 8/26/2024

Borough of Gettysburg
Council Work Session Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 26, 2024 – 7:00 PM
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I. Call to Order President Moon

II. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Moon
III. Announcements President Moon
An executive session of the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg was conducted
immediately following the adjournment of the August 12, 2024 monthly General Business
Meeting of the Borough Council consistent with section 708(a)(1) and section 708(a)(5) of
the Sunshine Act.
An executive session will be conducted immediately following the adjournment of this
evening’s monthly work session meeting consistent with section 708(a)(1), section 708(a)(4)
and section 708(a)(5) of the Sunshine Act for the following purposes: (1) to provide
information and to discuss matters of employment and the terms and conditions of
employment of current and prospective Borough employees; (2) to consult with its manager
and solicitor regarding updated information in connection with an appeal filed in the
United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, docketed to USCA No. 24-1761,
captioned Linda Atiyeh, et al, Plaintiffs-Appellants v. Borough of Gettysburg, DefendantAppellee; and (3) to review and discuss matters of Borough business which, if conducted
in public, could lead to the disclosure of matters of confidentiality protected by law.
IV. Special Presentation
America250PA – Adams Commission Gable

V. Public Comment (Restricted to items appearing on the agenda – not tabled items)
VI. Current and Old Business

(19) PBS 2024-02 Physical Agility Amendments Wes Heyser
Civil Service Commission
(12) PBS 2020-04 GIL Phase B1 / B2(A) / B2(B) Gable
(1) PBS 2016-12 Sidewalk Ordinance Revisions Gable
d. Shade Tree Ordinance / Procedures
VII. New Business (none)
VIII. Public Comment (Open to items currently tabled or not listed on the agenda)
IX. Adjournment
X. Executive Session

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