Gettysburg Borough Meetings – 03/27/2023

Borough of Gettysburg

5:30pm – Special Meeting Civil Service Regulations (Amendments)
6:00pm – Public Hearing Zoning Text Amendments to Allow Event Venues in Specified Zoning Districts
6:30pm – Public Hearing Reclassifying Certain Parcels from TC to R2 Zoning

Borough of Gettysburg
Special Council Business Meeting Agenda
Civil Service Regulations (Amendments)
March 27, 2023 – 5:30 PM

I. Council – Call to Order President Heyser
II. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance President Heyser
III. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
IV. Announcements President Heyser
V. Approval of Agenda and Minutes – Council
A motion to approve the March 27, 2023 special meeting agenda as presented.
VI. Public Comment (Restricted to Items on the Agenda)
VII. Current and Old Business
A. Civil Service Regulations (Amendments) Heyser
A motion to adopt a resolution approving the amended Rules and Regulations for
the Civil Service Commission of the Borough of Gettysburg, PA, as adopted by the
Civil Service Commission and presented by the Commission for approval by the
Borough Council.

B. Police Academy Cadet Compensation and Agreement Gable
Discussion of Police Cadet compensation package
A motion to approve a specified Police Cadet Compensation and Provisions
employee summary for purposes of enabling the Borough’s hiring and
employment of police cadets for attendance at the Police Academy in order to
qualify for and receive Act 120 certification as a police officer.
Statement of Clarification: A police cadet shall not be qualified, upon hiring, to
become a member of the Borough of Gettysburg Uniform Police Officers Union.
Only upon receiving Act 120 certification and being sworn to begin work as an Act
120 Certified Police Officer will a person initially hired as a Borough Police Cadet
become a member of the Police Officers Union.
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Adjournment


Borough of Gettysburg
Public Hearing of the Borough Council

RE: Event Venues
March 27, 2023 – 6:00 PM

Notice of Public Hearing
The Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg shall hold a public hearing on Monday,
March 27, 2023, commencing at 6:00 p.m., in the Borough Council Chambers at the
Gettysburg Borough Municipal Office Building located at 59 East High Street, Gettysburg,
PA 17325.
The purpose of the public hearing is for the Borough Council to provide and receive
information, to receive any recommendations from the Gettysburg Borough Planning
Commission and the Adams County Office of Planning and Development, and to obtain
public comment prior to taking any formal action relative to the possible enactment of
proposed text amendments to the Gettysburg Borough Zoning Ordinance. The draft
ordinance setting forth the proposed text amendments, if subsequently enacted by the
Borough Council, would amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance in order to establish and
regulate event venue uses within the Borough of Gettysburg.
The draft ordinance containing the proposed zoning text amendments may be examined
without charge or obtained for a charge not greater than the cost thereof at the Office of
the Borough of Gettysburg from the Assistant Borough Manager/Secretary during regular
business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.). In addition, the draft
ordinance containing the proposed zoning text amendments may be downloaded from
the Gettysburg Borough website at
I. Council – Call to Order President Heyser
II. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
III. Hearing of the Public

Restricted to the proposed zoning amendment to establish and
regulate event uses within the Borough of Gettysburg

IV. Adjournment


Borough of Gettysburg
Public Hearing of the Borough Council
Zoning Text Amendment – Changing TC to R2
March 27, 2023 – 6:30 PM


Notice of Public Hearing
The Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg shall hold a public hearing on Monday,
March 27, 2023, commencing at 6:30 p.m., in the Borough Council Chambers at the
Gettysburg Borough Municipal Office Building located at 59 East High Street, Gettysburg,
PA 17325.
The purpose of the public hearing is for the Borough Council to provide and receive
information, to receive any recommendations from the Gettysburg Borough Planning
Commission and the Adams County Office of Planning and Development, and to obtain
public comment prior to taking any formal action relative to the possible enactment of a
proposed amendment to the Gettysburg Borough Zoning Map. The purpose of the Zoning
Map amendment is to reclassify 49 properties within the Borough, located predominantly
along and adjacent to the northwestern side of Johns Avenue and the southeastern side
of Highland Avenue, by removing such properties from a Tourist Commercial (TC) District
and rezoning and adding such properties to the Low Density Residential (R-1) District.
The draft ordinance setting forth the proposed Zoning Map amendment, if subsequently
enacted by the Borough Council, would amend the Zoning Map to reclassify and rezone
the 49 properties as indicated herein.
The draft ordinance containing the proposed amendment to the Gettysburg Borough
Zoning Map may be examined without charge or obtained for a charge not greater than
the cost thereof at the Office of the Borough of Gettysburg from the Assistant Borough
Manager/Secretary during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. –
5:00 P.M.). In addition, the draft ordinance containing the proposed amendment to the
Zoning Map may be downloaded from the Gettysburg Borough website

I. Council – Call to Order President Heyser
II. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
III. Hearing of the Public

Restricted to the proposed zoning amendment to reclassify certain parcels
from Tourist Commercial (TC) to Moderate Density Residential (R2)

IV. Adjournment

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