Gettysburg Planning Commission Meeting – 09/16/2024

Monday, September 16, 2024 at 7:00pm I Charlie Sterner Building- 545 Long Lane
1. Convene Meeting
2. Review and Approve Agenda
3. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. August 19, 2024, Meeting Minutes
4. Public Comment Restricted to Items on the Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
5. Tabled Old Business – NONE
6. New Business
A. Rezoning Discussion
1. Introductions with Troy Truax regarding the Rezoning Process
2. Revitalization District and Building Heights
3. The Zoning Map Process and Changes
4. Residential Land Uses
5. Additional Zoning Ordinance Questions
6. Process Timeline
7. Announcements
A. The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for October, 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
8. Additional Comments from Planning Commission Members
9. Public Comment

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