Gettysburg Borough Council – 1/14/2019

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Borough of Gettysburg Council Business Meeting Agenda January 14, 2019 – 7:00 PM

I. Council – Call to Order President Naugle II. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance President Naugle III. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Naugle IV. Announcements President Naugle

Executive sessions of the Borough Council were conducted immediately prior to the commencement of the December 10, 2018 monthly general business meeting and immediately prior to the commencement of a special meeting of the Borough Council held on January 3, 2019 pursuant to section 708(a)(1) of the Sunshine Act.

An executive session of the Borough Council will be conducted immediately prior to the adjournment of this evening’s meeting consistent with section 708(a)(1) and section 708(a)4) of the Sunshine Act for the following purposes: (1) to discuss matters involving the employment and appointment, the terms and conditions of employment and the hiring of a prospective public official or employee of the Borough; and (2) to consult with its professional advisors regarding information and strategy in connection with issues on which identifiable claims or complaints have been or are expected to be filed.

V. Approval of Agenda and Minutes – Council A motion to approve the January 14, 2019 agenda as presented.

A motion to approve minutes of the Council Meeting of December 10, 2018 as presented.

VI. Special Presentation

Linda Atiyeh, Gallery 30, 26 York Street.

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Current and Old Business

A. Finance Department 1. Departmental Report Nicolette James 2. Motions Needing Council Action

A motion to approve all bills and payrolls for the month as presented.

A motion to accept the J. P. Harris Tax Exoneration report for tax year 2011 as presented.

Borough of Gettysburg Council Business Meeting Agenda January 14, 2019 – 7:00 PM

B. Planning Department/Zoning/Code Enforcement/HARB 1. Departmental Report Becky LaBarre 2. Motions Needing Council Action

A motion to accept the recommendations of the Borough of Gettysburg Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB) following its review on Wednesday, December 19, 2018 and grant Certificates of Appropriateness for the following applications as presented: COA-18-0119, 344 Baltimore Street – Gettysburg Anniversary Committee for alterations at rear elevation to construct ADA-compliant entry; COA-18-0120, 217 N. Stratton Street – Katherine Crandall & Reuban Kline for construction of a new two-story garage at rear of lot; and COA-18-0125, 127 N. Washington Street – Apex Holdings LLC for installation of custom-sized vinyl replacement windows, with the nine (9) historic windows most visible from the public way to be retained and rehabilitated.
A motion to authorize the solicitor to prepare, finalize and publish for subsequent enactment an ordinance amending Chapter 13, Part 1 of the Gettysburg Borough Code of Ordinances in order to change the expiration date of amusement licenses issued by the Borough from January 31st to March 31st of the following year. A motion to authorize the solicitor to prepare, finalize and publish for subsequent enactment an Ordinance amending and updating Chapter 5, Part 2 of the Gettysburg Borough Code of Ordinances in order to adopt the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC), 2015 Edition, as the Property Maintenance Code of the Borough of Gettysburg. A motion to reappoint Sarah Kipp as a member of the Gettysburg Borough Planning Commission for a four-year term, and expiring on the first Monday in January 2023. C. Parking Department 1. Departmental Report Richard L. Miller, II 2. Motions Needing Council Action

A motion to authorize the preparation, finalization and publication for subsequent enactment by the Borough Council of an ordinance amending Chapter 15, Part 4 of the Gettysburg Borough Code of Ordinances relative to removing areas on the north side of East High Street from the on-street metered parking zones and designating areas on the north side of East High Street as a reserved metered parking space for use by persons with disabilities, as reserved unmetered parking spaces for use by Borough employees, and as reserved unmetered parking spaces for use of the general public while conducting business at the Borough Municipal Office Building. A motion to authorize the finalization and publication for subsequent enactment by the Borough Council of an ordinance amending Chapter 15, Part 7 of the Gettysburg Borough Code of Ordinances relative to the temporary reservation and use of parking spaces in unmetered and metered parking zones of the Borough of Gettysburg and
Borough of Gettysburg Council Business Meeting Agenda January 14, 2019 – 7:00 PM

the placement of open-top refuse containers in unmetered and in metered parking zones of the Borough. D. Public Works Department 1. Departmental Report Robert Harbaugh E. Borough Engineer 1. Engineer Report Chad Clabaugh 2. Motions Needing Council Action

Motion to Approve Change Order No. 4 to the Stratton Street Storm Sewer Improvements Contract in the amount of $11,505.58.
Motion to approve application for payment No. 4 in the amount of $115,079.79 for the Stratton Street Storm Sewer Improvements Contract.
Motion to authorize the Borough Engineer to advertise Stratton Street Pavement Improvements project for construction bids.
Motion to approve application for payment No. 1 to Lobar Associates, Inc. for the 2018 Bridge Maintenance Program in the amount of $47,531.75.
F. Police Department 1. Departmental Report Chief Carl Segatti G. Borough Manager 1. Manager’s Report Charles Gable 2. Motions Needing Council Action

A motion to appoint John Seilhamer to the Shade Tree Commission for a five-year term expiring in October 2023.

A single motion is offered for adoption to: A. Hold the 2019 monthly Borough Council Meetings on the following dates at 7:00 PM, prevailing time, in the Municipal Building and authorize the Borough Secretary to advertise the same in the Gettysburg Times:  Monday, February 11, 2019  Monday, March 11, 2019  Monday, April 8, 2019  Monday, May 13, 2019  Monday, June 10, 2019  Monday, July 8, 2019  Monday, August 12, 2019  Monday, September 9, 2019
Borough of Gettysburg Council Business Meeting Agenda January 14, 2019 – 7:00 PM

 Tuesday, October 15, 2019  Tuesday, November 12, 2019  Monday, December 9, 2019 B. Hold the 2019 monthly Borough Council Work Session meetings on the following dates:  Monday, January 28, 2019  Monday, February 25, 2019  Monday, March 25, 2019  Monday, April 22, 2019  Tuesday, May 28, 2019  Monday, June 24, 2019  Monday, July 22, 2019  Monday, August 26, 2019  Monday, September 23, 2019  Monday, October 28, 2019  Monday, November 25, 2019  Monday, December 23, 2019 C. Hold two Special 2020 Budget Work Session meetings on the following dates:  Monday, October 21, 2019  Monday, November 4, 2019 D. Hold two Public Hearings regarding the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG) on the following dates at 6:30 PM:  Monday, August 26, 2019  Monday, September 9, 2019.

IX. Reports A. A. Liaison Reports

1. MSG Deb Adamik 2. GARA Jacob Schindel 3. GMA Susan Naugle

A motion to adopt a resolution appointing Susan Cipperly as a member of the Board of the Gettysburg Municipal Authority for a five-year term, commencing in January 2019 and expiring on the first Monday of January 2024. 4. Planning Commission Charles Strauss 5. Steinwehr Avenue Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield (SAHGB) Jacob Schindel 6. Adams County Boroughs Association (ACBA) Mayor Streeter 7. Adams County Council of Governments (COG) John Lawver
Borough of Gettysburg Council Business Meeting Agenda January 14, 2019 – 7:00 PM

8. Adams County Transportation Planning Organization (ACTPO) Susan Naugle 9. Adams County Heroin Awareness Task Force Charles Strauss 10. Trail Feasibility Study Christopher Berger B. Other Reports

1. Elm Street 2. Recycling Report 3. Adams County EMS Report

X. Elected Official’s Comments

A. Mayor Theodore Streeter B. Wesley Heyser C. Patricia Lawson D. Charles Strauss E. Christopher Berger F. John Lawver G. Vice President Jacob Schindel H. President Susan Naugle

XI. Public Comment XII. Executive Session XIII. Adjournment

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