Special Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 24, 2022 – 6:45 PM
I. Council – Call to Order President Heyser
II. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
III. Announcements President Heyser
IV. Public Comment (Restricted to Items on the Agenda)
V. Current and Old Business
A. Motion to Award Contract for South Street Construction
A motion to award the construction contract for the South Street CDBG Curb and Sidewalk
Improvements project to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder Matthews
Construction at their bid amount of $358,746.00 contingent on review and approval of the
bid documents by the Adams County office of Planning & Development.
B. Other Business for Council Consideration
A motion to appoint Nicholas Redman as a member of the Gettysburg Borough Planning
Commission for a four (4) year term, commencing in January 2022 and expiring in January
VI. Public Comment (Open to Items Not on the Agenda)
VII. Adjournment