Gettysburg Borough Council Meeting – 2/14/2022

Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 14, 2022 – 7:00 PM
I. Council – Call to Order President Heyser
II. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance President Heyser
III. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
IV. Announcements President Heyser
V. Approval of Agenda and Minutes – Council
A motion to approve the February 14, 2022 agenda as presented.
A motion to approve minutes of the Council Meeting of January 10, 2022 Council Special Meeting of January 24, 2022, and the Council Work Session meeting on January 24, 2022 as presented.
VI. Special Presentation
Adams County Community Policing Coalition Jan Powers
VII. Public Comment (Restricted to Items on the Agenda)
VIII. Current and Old Business
A. Department of Planning /Zoning/Code Enforcement
1. Departmental Report Carly Marshall
2. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to authorize the setting of a public hearing of the Borough Council to be held on Monday, March 28, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. and to authorize the provision of public notice of the hearing consistent with section 609 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code relative to a requested amendment to the text of the Gettysburg Borough Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of adding of a vacation rental use as a use permitted by right in the Borough’s Institutional-1 District (INS-1).
A motion to accept the application of Scott English for a Zoning Text Amendment related to Special Event Uses in several zoning districts and to remove commercial use size restrictions in the Elm Street Overlay District.
Motion to appoint Peter Griffioen as Assistant Zoning Officer.
B. Department of Historic & Environmental Preservation
1. Departmental Report Debra English
2. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to accept the recommendation of the Borough of Gettysburg Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB) following its review on January 19, 2022 and grant Certificates of Appropriateness for the following applications as presented:

COA 21-0155 MAJOR PROJECT: 145 York Street, Daniel R. Altman to approve the replacement of wood windows with vinyl windows on the west-side and south-rear facades that is consistent with both the Secretary of the Interior Guidelines and the Gettysburg Design Guide as presented to the Board in the application dated December 6, 2021; COA-20007 MAJOR PROJECT: 105 Steinwehr Avenue, Tommy’s Pizza to approve the replacement of the roof, siding, and drive-through window that is consistent with both the Secretary of the Interior Guidelines and the Gettysburg Design Guide as presented to the Board in the application dated January 3, 2022; COA-220006 CRITICAL PROJECT: 123 W. High Street – John Buchheister to approve the demolition of a deteriorated 12 x 16 concrete block rear garage structure that is consistent with both the Secretary of the Interior Guidelines and the Gettysburg Design Guide as presented to the Board in the application dated December 13, 2021.
C. Parking Department
1. Departmental Report Becka Fissel
D. Public Works Department
1. Departmental Report Robert Harbaugh
E. Borough Engineer
1. Engineer Report Chad Clabaugh
2. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to approve the application for payment #1 in the amount of $37,424.86 to WYElectric, LLC in connection with the South Street CDBG Site Lighting Project.
F. Police Department
1. Departmental Report Chief Rob Glenny
G. Office of the Manager/Treasurer
1. Borough Secretary’s Report Sara L. Stull
2. Borough Manager’s Report Charles R. Gable
3. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to approve all bills and payrolls for the month as presented.
A motion to award a contract for solid waste and recyclable materials collection services within the Borough of Gettysburg to Waste Management, as the lowest qualified and responsible bidder for the provision of such services.
A motion to adopt a resolution amending the Borough’s fee resolution for fiscal year 2022 for the purpose of setting special additional permit fees for the conducting of parades, based upon specific, designated parade routes within the Borough of Gettysburg, pursuant to the Borough’s Special Events Ordinance.

A motion to appoint and ratify the appointment of Judith Butterfield as the Borough of Gettysburg member representative to the Adams County Council of Governments.
A motion to adopt a resolution appointing Dominic Picarelli as a member of the Gettysburg Borough Code Enforcement Appeals Board for the remainder of a five (5) year term of office expiring in March 2026.
A motion to adopt a resolution to excuse the police from making contributions to the Police Pension Fund for 2022.
IX. Reports
A. Liaison Reports
1. MSG Jill Sellers
2. GARA Chad Carr
3. GMA Christopher Berger
4. Steinwehr Avenue Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield
(SAHGB) Judith Butterfield
5. Adams County Boroughs Association (ACBA) Mayor Frealing
6. Adams County Council of Governments (COG) Judith Butterfield
7. Adams County Transportation Planning Organization
(ACTPO) Judith Butterfield
8. Adams County Heroin Awareness Task Force Matt Moon
9. Trail Feasibility Study Christopher Berger
10. Healthy Adams Bicycle Pedestrian Inc. (HABPI) Patricia Lawson
B. Other Reports
1. Recycling Report
X. Elected Official’s Comments
A. Mayor Rita Frealing
B. Wesley Heyser
C. Patricia Lawson
D. Judith Butterfield
E. Christopher Berger
F. John Lawver
G. Matthew Moon
H. Chad Carr
XI. Public Comment
XII. Adjournment

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