Gettysburg Borough Council Meeting – 8/14/2023

Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 14, 2023 – 7:00 PM
I. Council – Call to Order President Heyser
II. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance President Heyser
III. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
IV. Announcements President Heyser
Meetings of Note:
 Monday, August 28, 2023 6:30 PM CDBG Public Hearing #2
An executive session of the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg will be
conducted immediately following the adjournment of this evening’s monthly general
business meeting consistent with section 708(a)(1) and section 708(a)(5) of the Sunshine
Act for the following purposes: (1) to provide information and discuss matters involving
the employment, the terms and conditions of employment, the salary and benefits of
administrative Borough employees and the investigation of complaints involving current
Borough employees; and (2) to review and discuss matters of Borough business which,
if conducted in public, could lead to the disclosure of information and matters of
confidentiality protected by law.
V. Approval of Agenda and Minutes – Council
A motion to approve the August 14, 2023 agenda as presented.
A motion to approve minutes of the Council Meeting of July 10, 2023; CDBG Public
Hearing, and the Council Work Session on July 24, 2023 as presented.
VI. Public Comment (Restricted to Items on the Agenda)
VII. Current and Old Business
A. Department of Planning /Zoning/Code Enforcement
1. Departmental Report Carly Marshall
B. Department of Historic & Environmental Preservation
1. Departmental Report Debra English
A motion to accept the recommendations of the Borough of Gettysburg Historic
Architectural Review Board (HARB) following its review on July 19, 2023 and grant
Certificates of Appropriateness for the following applications as presented: COA-230040
MAJOR PROJECT: 33 W. Middle Street – GSC Homes proposed rear porch
reconstruction per the application dated May 4, 2023; COA-230054 MAJOR PROJECT:
29 W. Middle Street – GCS Homes for the proposed reconstruction of the east-facing
porch replicating a traditional profile per the application dated July 11, 2023; COA-
230048 MAJOR PROJECT: 51 E. Stevens Street – Orchard County Realty LLC for the
rear siding replacement using white vinyl siding per the application dated May 23, 2023;
COA-230046 MAJOR PROJECT: Nolan Peterson for the proposed exterior renovations,
most of which are in-kind except for the slightly different profile, using 5-V Crimp Metal

for the roof, and to consider preserving any original materials beneath the existing siding
per the application dated May 3, 2023; COA-230028 MAJOR PROJECT: 147 W. Middle
Street – Patrick Luckenbaugh for the installation of a 5-V Crimp Metal roof in a muted
gray color and for the restoration, repointing, and the capping off at the top of the
chimney per the application dated June 15, 2023; COA-230049 MAJOR PROJECT: 125
S. Washington Street for the proposed restoration façade design of the Adams County
Arts Council building as submitted in the application dated June 16, 2023, pending the
submittal of a front façade rendering depicting a lighter stone / Board and Batten
colorway with matching trim work.
C. Parking Department
1. Departmental Report Becka Fissel
D. Public Works Department
1. Departmental Report Robert Harbaugh
E. Borough Engineer
1. Engineer Report Chad Clabaugh
A motion to approve Application for Payment #1 to JVI Group, Inc, in the amount of
$62,510.00 for items complete to date, associated with Contract No. 2 of the 2023 Street
Improvements Project, as recommended by the Borough Engineer
Motion to execute and deliver an Operation and Maintenance Agreement with Ian and
Ashley Miller for the stormwater management facilities associated with real property
located at 4 South West Confederate Avenue.
F. Police Department
1. Departmental Report Chief Robert Glenny
G. Office of the Manager/Treasurer
1. Borough Secretary’s Report Sara L. Stull
2. Borough Manager’s Report Charles R. Gable
3. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to approve all bills and payrolls for the month as presented.
A motion to appoint Borough Manager Charles Gable as the voting delegate at the
Pennsylvania Municipal League Leadership Summit on October 5-8, 2023.
A motion to appoint Andrew Johnson to the Gettysburg Historical Architectural Review
Board in order to complete the term of Justin Harman which will expire in August 2026.

VIII. Reports
A. Liaison Reports
1. MSG Jill Sellers
Main Street Gettysburg
2. GARA Chad-Alan Carr
Gettysburg Area Recreation Authority
3. GMA Christopher Berger
Gettysburg Municipal Authority

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