Gettysburg Borough Council Meeting – 9/12/2022

Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 12, 2022 – 7:00 PM
I. Council – Call to Order President Heyser
II. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance President Heyser
III. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
IV. Announcements President Heyser
An executive session of the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg was
conducted immediately following the adjournment of the August 22, 2022 work
session consistent with section 708(a)(1), section 708(a)(2), section 708(a)(4) and
section 708(a)(5) of the Sunshine Act.
An executive session of the Borough Council will be conducted immediately following
the adjournment of this evening’s monthly general business meeting consistent with
section 708(a)(1), section 708(a)(2), section 708(a)(4) and section 708(a)(5) of the
Sunshine Act for the following purposes: (1) to discuss matters involving the
employment, the terms and conditions of employment, and the policies and
procedures for complaints relating to Borough employees; (2) to provide
informational updates and to discuss strategy related to the negotiation of a new
collective bargaining agreement with the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters
Local No. 776 for the Gettysburg Borough Police employees labor organization; (3)
to receive and consider information relative to the implementation of the proposed
Decision and Order entered by the Hearing Examiner of the Pennsylvania Labor
Relations Board in Case No. PF-C-20-42-E, captioned Teamsters Local Union No. 776
v. Borough of Gettysburg; (4) to receive informational updates on pending grievances
filed by Teamsters Local Union No. 776 on behalf of the Gettysburg Borough Police
employees labor organization and to receive, review and consider information and to
discuss strategy in connection with matters on which identifiable complaints have
been made or are expected to be filed; and (5) to review and discuss matters of
Borough business which, if conducted in public, could lead to the disclosure of
information or matters of confidentiality protected by law.
V. Approval of Agenda and Minutes – Council
A motion to approve the September 12, 2022 agenda as presented.
A motion to approve minutes of the Council Meeting of August 8, 2022; CDBG Public
Hearing, Zoning Text Amendment Public Hearing and Special Meeting, and the
Work Session on August 22, 2022 as presented.
VI. Special Presentation
VII. Public Comment
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 12, 2022 – 7:00 PM
VIII. Current and Old Business
A. Department of Planning /Zoning/Code Enforcement
1. Departmental Report Carly Marshall
2. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to enact a proposed Ordinance amending the text of the Gettysburg
Borough Zoning Ordinance in order to revise and clarify definitions and use
regulations relative to short-term lodging uses within the Borough of Gettysburg.
B. Department of Historic & Environmental Preservation
1. Departmental Report Debra English
2. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to accept the recommendations of the Borough of Gettysburg Historic
Architectural Review Board (HARB) following its review on August 17, 2022 and
grant Certificates of Appropriateness for the following applications as presented:
COA 22-0054 MAJOR PROJECT: 225 York Street-Gettysburg SUNOCO Mini Mart
– Ravi Singh and Carly Marshall, Code Enforcement to approve the lighting as
submitted with the stipulation that hoods must be applied to all lighting fixtures and
is consistent with both the Secretary of the Interior Guidelines and the Gettysburg
Design Guide as presented to the Board in the application dated July 5, 2022; COA-
22-0080 MAJOR PROJECT: 100 Baltimore Street – Curt H. Grim to replace the
existing wood windows with the divided Jeldwen clad wood window that replicate the
current arched windows on the second floor and is consistent with the Secretary of the
Interior Guidelines and the Gettysburg Design Guide as presented to the Board in the
application dated June 28, 2022; COA-220019 MAJOR PROJECT: 404 Baltimore
Street – M. Glatfelter, Mr. G’s Ice Cream to replace the existing asbestos roof system
with a Woodland GAF roof system and retain all three dormers and is consistent with
the Secretary of the Interior Guidelines and the Gettysburg Design Guide as presented
to the Board in the application dated August 15, 2022; E. COA-220084 MAJOR
PROJECT: 29 Hanover Street – Dean G. Harner to replace the existing 5-V crimp
style historic roof with 5-V crimp style roof with all accessories, flashings, and
snowbirds, and is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior Guidelines and the
Gettysburg Design Guide as presented to the Board in the application dated August
9, 2022; F. COA-220085 MAJOR PROJECT: 163 York Street – Twin Bridges Farm
LLC to demolish the existing brick portico above the Open Minds’ side entrance due
to the brick separating from the building, and to restore the wall face using stucco at
a reduced height to match the height of the building roof that is consistent with the
Secretary of the Interior Guidelines and the Gettysburg Design Guide as presented
to the Board in the application dated June 28, 2022.
C. Parking Department
1. Departmental Report Becka Fissel
2. Motions Needing Council Action
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 12, 2022 – 7:00 PM
D. Public Works Department
1. Departmental Report Robert Harbaugh
E. Borough Engineer
1. Engineer Report Chad Clabaugh
2. Motions Needing Council Action
Motion to approve the application for payment #3/Final in the amount of $115,927.50
to Matthews Construction Services, LLC in connection with the South Street CDBG
Curb and Sidewalk Improvements project.
F. Police Department
1. Departmental Report Chief Rob Glenny
2. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to approve and adopt a job description and to designate the duties for the
new position and rank of master sergeant within the Gettysburg Borough Police
G. Office of the Manager/Treasurer
1. Borough Secretary’s Report Sara L. Stull
2. Borough Manager’s Report Charles R. Gable
3. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to accept all bills and payrolls as presented.
A motion to authorize a COLA increase for retired police pensioner Kevin Wilson, to
be paid from the Police Pension Plan effective August 1, 2022.
A motion to adopt a Resolution appointing Caleb McClure as a member of the
Gettysburg Borough Human Relations Commission to complete the unexpired term
of Jay Eckman whose term on the Human Relations Commission will expire on April
15, 2024.
IX. Reports
A. Liaison Reports
1. MSG Jill Sellers
2. GARA Chad Carr
3. GMA Christopher Berger
4. Steinwehr Avenue Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield
(SAHGB) Judith Butterfield
5. Adams County Boroughs Association (ACBA) Mayor Frealing
6. Adams County Council of Governments (COG) Judith Butterfield
7. Adams County Transportation Planning Organization
(ACTPO) Judith Butterfield
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 12, 2022 – 7:00 PM
8. Overdose Awareness Task Force Matt Moon
9. Trail Feasibility Study Christopher Berger
10. Healthy Adams Bicycle Pedestrian Inc. (HABPI) Patricia Lawson
B. Other Reports
1. Recycling Report
X. Elected Official’s Comments
A. Mayor Rita Frealing
B. Wesley Heyser
C. Patricia Lawson
D. Judith Butterfield
E. Christopher Berger
F. John Lawver
G. Matthew Moon
H. Chad Carr
XI. Public Comment
XII. Adjournment
XIII. Executive Session

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