Gettysburg Planning Commission Meeting – 05/20/2024

1. Convene Meeting
2. Review and Approve Agenda
3. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. April 15, 2024, Meeting Minutes
4. Public Comment Restricted to Items on the Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
5. Tabled Old Business
A. SLD-230001 0 Hanover Street
B. SLD-230003 Library Subdivision at Lutheran Seminary
C. SLD-230004 340 Baltimore Street Gettysburg Welcome Center
6. New Business
A. SLD-240001 – Gettys Golf LLC – 533 Steinwehr Avenue
Review of Subdivision and Land Development application for previously accepted
Outdoor Commercial Recreation based land development (miniature golf course)
with modifications to occur at 533 Steinwehr Avenue.
B. SLD-240002 – Spectra Kote – 301 East Water Street
Review of application for acceptance for land development related to an expansion
of an industrial land use/building to occur at 301 East Water Street.
C. ZHB-240001 – Gettysburg Welcome Center – 340 Baltimore Street
Request for (a) a special exception pursuant to Section 27-803(E) to permit the
property to be developed as the Gettysburg Welcome Center; (b) a variance from
Section 27-804.2. to permit nonresidential use on a lot with an area of less than
5,000 square feet; and (c) review and approval of the plans for the Gettysburg
Welcome Center pursuant to Section 27-1403.1.
D. 2023-2024 Rezoning Effort
Discussion regarding the initial revised draft of Chapter 27 Zoning, of the
Ordinances of the Borough of Gettysburg / Gettysburg Zoning Ordinance and
public comment and review sequence for adoption.
7. Announcements
A. Next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2024, at
7:00 p.m.
8. Additional Comments from Planning Commission Members
9. Public Comment

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