Gettysburg Storm Water Meeting 4/10/2022



I. GBSWA – Call to Order Chairman Malewicki
II. Welcome and Opening Remarks Chairman Malewicki
III. Announcements Chairman Malewicki
IV. Approval of Agenda, Minutes, and other Business Chairman Malewicki

A motion to approve the agenda as presented.
A motion to approve all bills and payrolls as presented.
A motion to approve the March 13, 2023 meeting minutes.

V. Public Comment (Restricted to Items on the Agenda)
VI. Special Presentation

Rain Barrel Program English

VII. Current and Old Business
A. Financial Updates
1. Revenue vs. Expenses YTD (2023) Gable
2. Payments Received (2022 Billing) English
3. Liens Filed Boyer

Borough of Gettysburg

GBSWA – Gettysburg Borough Storm Water Authority
Monday – April 10, 2023 5:30 PM

B. Court Alley / Mayor Alley Stream Restoration Clabaugh
1. Sycamore Tree Hazard and Remediation Plan Gable
A motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the
Borough of Gettysburg, O’Shea Rentals Unlimited, Inc. and the
Gettysburg Borough Storm Water Authority to remove a Sycamore
Tree, remediate stream bed erosion, provide for bridge maintenance,
and to the obtain right-of-way necessary to complete the work at 445
Baltimore Street, with the responsibilities of each being articulated in
the Memorandum of Understanding.
C. Bream Alley Channel Wall Clabaugh
1. Review MOU
2. Authorize CSD to begin Design and Permitting
A motion to authorize C.S. Davidson to begin design and permitting for
the Bream Alley Channel Wall project.
D. Culps Run Stream Restoration Update Clabaugh
VIII. New Business
IX. Public Comment
X. Adjournment

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