Hanover Borough Council Meeting – 6/28/2023

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 2023 AT 7:00 PM
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Moment of Silence
3. Roll Call
4. Acknowledgement of Executive Session, if any
5. Appointment of Probationary Police Officer
a. Consideration of a motion to appoint Ethan Stump as Probationary Police Officer
for the Borough of Hanover, effective June 30, 2023.
➢ Oath of Office – Mayor Whitman
6. Community Recognition – Mayor Whitman
a. Hanover Eagles 1406
7. Public Comment
8. Consideration of a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:
a. Approve the Minutes:
i. Council Meeting May 24, 2023
b. Finance Reports:
i. Approve Bills for Payment
ii. Accept Monthly Financial Statement
iii. Accept Report of Monthly Investments
c. Approve Resolution No.1371 for Alcohol Use & Sales at Special Events:
i. Hanover Chili Cookoff, Sept. 3, 2023, Moul Field 11:00 AM-5:00 PM
ii. Snacktown Brewfest, Sept. 16, 2023, Moul Field 12:00 PM-5:00 PM
8. Consent Agenda, ctd.
d. Approve Community Development Block Grant Extensions until 12/31/23:
i. Wirt Park Playground Improvements
ii. Baer Avenue Playground Improvements
iii. West Hanover Street Playground Improvements
e. Approve Resolution No. 1372 amending the Miscellaneous Fee Resolution:
i. Police Department:
(a) Meter Bag Fee: $1.00 per hour
(b) Crime Victims Right of Access/Act 134 of 2022
Processing Fee: $100.00
f. Approve Special Event:
i. Walk a Mile in Her Shoes – August 11, 2023
g. Approve Resolution No. 1373 for Disposition of Records
h. Approve Resolution No. 1374 for July 4th Fireworks
Council Workshop/Finance & Personnel Committee – Mr. Roland
1. Consideration of a motion to appoint citizens to the following boards and commissions:
a. Planning Commission Status Term
i. Charles Hegberg Incumbent 4 years
ii. Brian Johnson Incumbent 4 years
b. Hanover Economic Development Corp.
i. JP Lunn Incumbent 3 years
ii. William Markel New candidate 3 years
c. Recreation Board
i. Zachary Zawisa New candidate 5 years
2. Consideration of a motion to appoint Council Members to the Fire Commission and Public
Safety Committee as follows:
a. Fire Commission
i. Timothy Kress Completion of unexpired term until 12/31/23
ii. Gary Greenholt (Alternate)
b. Public Safety Committee
i. Barbara Rupp, Chairman
3. Consideration of a motion to approve the bid award for quarterly newsletters as per bid
specifications to YGS Group, Inc. for an estimated $8,000 to $10,000 increased annual
expense including postage and mailing services.
Council Workshop/Finance & Personnel Committee – Mr. Roland
4. Consideration of a motion to approve the bid award for printing services for business
cards as per bid specifications to Click Print, d/b/a Minuteman Press at a cost of $55.00
per 500 business cards.
5. Consideration of a motion for Hanover Borough to authorize Police Chief Martin to enforce
the proposed disciplinary action regarding an employee of the Police Department.
Library Work Group – Mr. Hegberg
1. Consideration of a motion to hire a part time Development and Fundraising
Manager for the Guthrie Memorial Library at an annual salary of $50,000.00.
Governance & Policy Committee – Dr. Rupp
1. Consideration of a motion approving the amended Smoke-Free Workplace Policy.
Water Resources – Mr. Reichart
1. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution No. 1375 for the Amendment to the
Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for the York County Regional Chesapeake
Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan for an extension until December 31, 2025.
2. Consideration of a motion to ratify the following Change Orders for the SheppardMyers Dam Project resulting in a credit of $30.50:
a. Change Order No. 5 for grouted rip-rap in order to bridge the gap in the excavation
from the edge of a natural rock formation to the new concrete in the amount of
b. Change Order No. 7 for in-house fabrication of low level trash rack by Borough
Public Works Department resulting in a credit of $16,417.00.
Planning Commission – Mr. Hegberg
1. Consideration of a motion accepting the JA Myers Building and Development/Royal
Building, Inc. offer to grant the Borough an extension of time, until December 27, 2023,
for consideration of approval of the Cherry Tree Preliminary Land Development Plan, in
accordance with Section 508 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.

Appointment of Ward 5 Council Member – The following candidates expressed interest by
submitting a citizen interest form: Edward Lookenbill, Elizabeth Garrett and Isaac Riston.
Nominations need not be exclusive of these candidates. Eligible candidates for nomination
must be a 5th Ward Hanover Borough resident for at least one year and a registered voter.
a. Nominations for Ward 5 Council Member…

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