Hanover Borough Council Meeting – 9/25/2024

The following are the highlights of the Borough Council’s September meeting held on September 25, 2024. Supporting documents on most items of Council business are available on the Borough website (www.HanoverBoroughPA.gov) under “Agenda and Minutes”.
PENSION OBLIGATIONS: Approval was granted for the Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO) for the 2025 Pension Contributions.
SALARY RESOLUTION: Approval was granted to amend the title and salary for the Utilities Director and to add the position of Project Manager for the Department of Planning and Engineering.
* Approval was granted for the 2024 – 2026 West Hanover Street Playground grant in the amount of $4,872 and for the amendatory contract #45532383 decreasing funding from $145,000 to $5,000.
* Approval was granted for the CDBG application for 2024 – 2026 use of grant funds from previous designation of Municipal Lot #1 improvements to Hanover Street for street and sidewalk repairs and restoration on between York Street and Baltimore Street at Hanover Street Elementary School with no match for $300,000.
TAG DAY AT HANOVER MARKET HOUSE: Approval was granted for the Lions Club of Hanover’s request to hold their Tag Day on October 19, 2024 with a rain date of October 26, 2024 at the Hanover Market House.
POLICE ELIGIBILITY LIST: Approval was granted to direct the civil service commission to certify the eligibility list from the September 28, 2024 consortium testing results.
GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE: Approval was granted to draft a resolution on executive session policy and protocol for public comments.
WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT: Approval was granted to advertise an ordinance amending the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pretreatment limits and to approve the recommendation of bid award and notice to proceed with the primary sludge pump installation.
PRIMARY SLUDGE PUMP INSTALLATION BID FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY: Approval was granted to accept the bid withdrawal request from Derstine Company, LLC for their bid in the amount of $94,000. Conewago Enterprises was awarded the bid with a notice to proceed pending review for $137,038, according to bid specifications.

10 COMMANDMENT MONUMENT: Approval was granted for Resolution No. 1418 for waiving the right of first refusal relating to an Agreement of Sale between Gitt-Moul Historic Properties and the Fraternal Order of Eagles #1406 for the Ten Commandments parcel at Wirt Park.
AFSCME BLUE SIDE LETTER: Approval was granted for a side letter agreement to clarify payment of shift differential.
CHANGE ORDER POLICY: Approval was granted for the Borough Solicitor to draft a policy for change order approvals.
BUILDING PROJECT CHANGE ORDER: Approval was granted for Change Order No. 1 for 33 Frederick Street (Public Administration Facility) to combine the IT rooms with no monetary change.

1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Moment of Silence
3. Roll Call
4 . Acknowledgement of Executive Session, if any
5. Public Comment
6. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes:
i. August 28, 2024 Council Minutes
b. Finance Reports:
i. Approve Bills for Payment
ii. Accept Monthly Financial Statement
iii. Accept Report of Monthly Investments
c. Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO)
i. Approve 2025 Pension Contributions
d. Revised 2024 Salary Resolution
i. Approve amended title and salary for Utilities Director
ii. Approve addition of position and salary for Project Manager for Planning &
e. Community Development Block Grants
i. West Hanover Street Playground:
1. Approve new contract for 2024-2026 in the amount of $4,872.00
2. Approve amendatory contract #45532383 decrease in funding from
$145,000 to $5,000
ii. CDBG 2024-2026 Grant Funding: Approve CDBG application for 2024-2026 use
of grant funds from previous designation of Municipal Lot #1 to Hanover Street
for street and sidewalk repairs/restoration between York Street and Baltimore
Street at Hanover Street Elementary School with no match up to $300,000
f. Market House Request
i. Approve Lions Club Tag Day, October 19, 2024 (rain date 10/26/24)
g. Police Eligibility List
i. Direct the Civil Service Commission to certify eligibility list from the September
28, 2024 consortium testing results
Page 1
Department of Water Resources – Mr. Reichart
1. Consideration of a motion to authorize the advertisement of an ordinance amendment for the
revised Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved pretreatment limits.
2. Consideration of a motion to accept the bid withdrawal request from Derstine Company, LLC
for their bid in the amount of $94,000 for the Primary Sludge Pump Replacement at the
Hanover Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility.
3. Consideration of a motion to approve the bid award and issue a notice to proceed for the
budgeted primary sludge pump installation at the Hanover Regional Wastewater Treatment
Facility to Conewago Enterprises, Inc. 660 Edgegrove Road, Hanover, PA in the amount of
$137,038 according to bid specifications.
Finance & Personnel Committee- Mr. Kress
1. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution No. 1418 waiving the right of first refusal
relating to an Agreement of Sale between Gitt-Moul Historic Properties and the Fraternal
Order of Eagles #1406 for the Ten Commandments parcel at Wirt Park.
2. Consideration of a motion to approve the side letter agreement for the AFSCME Blue labor
contract to clarify payment of sift differential.
3. Consideration of a motion to approve a policy for change order approvals.
4. Consideration of a motion to approve Change Order No. 1 for the “Public Administration
Facility” Contract (33 Frederick Street) to approve a zero cost I zero schedule change
modification to combine the IT rooms.
)> Public Comment
*Public Safety Committee Tuesday, October 1, 2024 6:30PM
*Public Works & Facilities Committee Wednesday, October 9, 2024 6:00 PM
Finance & Personnel Committee Wednesday, October 16, 2024 7:00PM
Hanover Borough Council Wednesday. October 23. 2024 7:00 PM
* Committee Meetings will be cancelled if there is no business. Please advise the Borough
Secretary if you will be unable to attend any meetings. Be sure to check the website meeting
calendar at www.hanoverboroughpa.gov

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