McSherrystown Borough Council General Meeting
Agenda- January 26, 2022 6:30 PM
Borough Council:
William Smith
Dan Colgan
Joyce Murren
Mark Lookenbill
Joseph VonSas
Donna Spangler
Tim Klunk
Mayor & Staff:
Kathleen Todt (Mayor)
Justin George (Solicitor)
John Weiser (Constable)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation for Divine Guidance
4. Attendance Roll call
5. Approval of January 18th Minutes – roll call
6. Announcements
7. Committee Reports
a. Personnel: Dan Colgan
b. Planning & Zoning: William Smith
c. Highways: Donna Spangler
d. Building & Grounds: Tim Klunk
e. Civil Service: Acting: Dan Colgan
f. Public Safety: Joyce Murren
g. Recreation: Joyce Murren
h. Sewer: Joseph VonSas
i. Solid Waste: Joseph VonSas
j. Finance: Dan Colgan
k. Mayor’s Office Mayor Todt
l. Solicitor’s Office Justin George
8. Public Comment on New Business Items listed on the agenda
Please approach podium, state your full name and address for the record, and
the subject matter topic on the agenda to which you are commenting. You are
allotted 3 minutes in total upon being recognized.
New Business:
9. Letters of Interest / motions for Nominations to fill vacant seat
10. Establishment of a volunteer association (President, VP, Secretary, 1
representative from each league level) to run baseball and eliminate the paid
position of Director of Baseball.
11. Offer of equipment transfer at Officer Retirement
12. Advertising of International Property Maintenance Code and the Property
Occupancy Inspection Ordinance for the Borough of McSherrystown
13. Amending of “The Ordinance establishing salaries in the borough of McSherrystown”.
Per 8 Pa.C.S.A § 1001 eliminating salaries for those elected offices effective at the
beginning of the next term of the member of Council.
14. Expenditure of Funds
Announcement of Next Public Meeting:
The next public meeting of the McSherrystown Borough Council is currently
scheduled for Wednesday February 9th, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the Borough Council
Call for Motion to Adjourn
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