McSherrystown Borough Council General Meeting
Agenda- May 25, 2022 6:30 PM
Borough Council:
Dan Colgan
William Smith
Joyce Murren
George Staub
Joseph VonSas
Donna Spangler
Tim Klunk
Mayor & Staff:
Kathleen Todt (Mayor)
Justin George (Solicitor)
John Weiser (Constable)
Jessica Freiert (Sec. Treasurer)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation for Divine Guidance
4. Attendance Roll call
5. Approval of April 13th Minutes
6. Announcements
7. Committee Reports
a. Personnel: Dan Colgan
b. Planning & Zoning: William Smith
i. Update on S. 2nd Street Development referred to committee
3/23/22 – Public hearing to be scheduled early June
c. Highways: Donna Spangler
i. ADA curbing for Ridge and Fairview Avenues
ii. Week Control on Streets
d. Building & Grounds: Tim Klunk
i. Update on B-There Contract referred to committee 3/23/22
e. Civil Service: George Staub
f. Public Safety: Joyce Murren
g. Recreation: Joyce Murren
h. Sewer: Joseph VonSas
i. Sewer Mappings for Public Works Crew
i. Solid Waste: Joseph VonSas
j. Finance: Dan Colgan
i. Borough Audit 2021
ii. Pension Audit 2022
iii. Alternatives for pricey Workman’s comp insurance
k. Mayor’s Office Mayor Todt
l. Solicitor’s Office Justin George
8. New Business:
a. Retroactive approval of the Workman’s compensation policy
effective May 1, 2022.
i. Explanation of Business
EMC refused to renew our workman’s compensation policy
going forward. We asked for bids from two companies and
only one submitted in time to be in force (Weber Insurance).
This new policy had to go into effect to cover the borough
on May 1, 2022. The cost of the policy is $52,000 per year.
Quotes to lower the costs will continue to be sought by the
finance committee through the borough secretary to reduce
this cost.
ii. Invitation for council to discuss
iii. Open of Public comment / Close of Public Comment
iv. Motions from Council
b. Approval of payments made on behalf of the Borough
i. Explanation of Business
Approval of checks and payments on behalf of the borough
since 4/13/2022
ii. Invitation for council to discuss
iii. Open of Public comment / Close of Public Comment
iv. Motions from Council
c. Approval to offset cost of swing replacements at Moose Park with
ARPA funds.
i. Explanation of Business
1. Total cost $887.82, contribution from Moose of $500.
Remaining: $287.82
ii. Invitation for council to discuss
iii. Open of Public comment / Close of Public Comment
iv. Motions from Council
d. Approval to prepare bid documents for ADA ramps on Ridge and
Fairview Avenues
i. Explanation of Business
1. We were going to await bids for North Street repaving
to incorporate cost savings for doing all curbing in the
new contract however there are entities pressing the
issue to do them immediately.
ii. Invitation for council to discuss
iii. Open of Public comment / Close of Public Comment
iv. Motions from Council
Announcement of Next Public Meeting:
The next public meeting of the McSherrystown Borough Council is currently
scheduled for Wednesday June 8, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the Borough Council
Call for Motion to Adjourn.
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