McSherrystown Borough Council General Meeting
Agenda- July 13, 2022 6:30 PM
Borough Council:
Dan Colgan
William Smith
Joyce Murren
George Staub
Joseph VonSas
Donna Spangler
Tim Klunk
Mayor & Staff:
Kathleen Todt (Mayor)
Justin George (Solicitor)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation for Divine Guidance
4. Attendance Roll call
5. Presentation of Career Appreciation plaque to Ken Reese on his
6. Approval of June 22 meeting minutes
7. Announcements
a. Large item pickups by the borough have been suspended
8. Committee Reports
a. Personnel: Dan Colgan
i. Part Time Code Enforcement Officer
b. Planning & Zoning: William Smith
c. Highways: Donna Spangler
d. Building & Grounds: Tim Klunk
e. Civil Service: George Staub
i. Recommendation for action on staffing
f. Public Safety: Joyce Murren
g. Recreation: Joyce Murren
h. Sewer: Joseph VonSas
i. Solid Waste: Joseph VonSas
j. Finance: Dan Colgan
i. Notices to residents with Past Due Sewer & Garbage
amounts / collections.
ii. Kayla Warner will be handling collections in coordination
with our solicitors office where necessary
k. Mayor’s Office Mayor Todt
l. Solicitor’s Office Justin George
9. Public comment Period
10. Old Business:
a. Update on Bid Proposal for ADA Ramps
b. Previously Approved – Altering Office Schedule / accommodation for
i. Office closed to walkin traffic on Tuesdays due to staff leave /
phones and emails will be addressed by other staff on Tuesdays
on an as needed basis.
ii. Update: Expectation is the month of August tbd.
c. Discussions with DEP for Contractor to address weed applicator
services to the borough until a representative from McSherrystown has
studied and passed the Applicator Test.
i. Explanation of Business
1. 3rd party contract is being proposed with TruGreen
Commercial Services who currently serve
Springettsbury and Manheim Townships
2. DEP Certified applicator licensed and fully approved
3. Two Applications of spraying all borough streets
curbing once in July and again in mid-late august –
$1600 each. This would be taken out of either ARPA
or Liquid Fuels funding
11. New Business:
a. Personnel Committee recommendation for hire of Glenn Webb as
Borough “Code Enforcement Officer” pending successful completion
of background check.
b. Action on staffing recommendations from Civil Service
c. Request for new Reserved parking space for handicapped and
disabled persons – 601 North St, McSherrystown – Sharon Miller
i. Proper documentation not yet received – tabled until July 27th
d. Approval of changes to fire boxes within McSherrystown Borough
requested by Bradley Kommeth, Adams County Dept of Emergency
Services, County Transition to Next Generation 911 (NG-911). Change
of a single area removed from box 29 and added to Box 29-1.
Announcement of Next Public Meeting:
The next public meeting of the McSherrystown Borough Council is currently
scheduled for Wednesday July 27, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the Borough Council
Call for Motion to Adjourn.
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