Hamilton Township Zoning Hearing – 3/28/2024

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Township of Hamilton Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing to inform, hear evidence and receive public comment on the following application: Application of NOBPA, LLC, for the following special exceptions and variances for a proposed warehouse and trucking terminal, and business buildings, located in vacant parcels 17K11-0005—000, 17K11-0013—000, 17K10-0071—000 and 17K11-0013B—000. The parcels are in the Commercial District, Hamilton Township, Adams County, Pa. Proposed Lots 1 and 2: Special Exceptions pursuant to §150-63.M., of the Zoning Ordinance to permit development of the parcels as warehouses. The applicable special exception criteria is found at §150-98.HH of the zoning ordinance. Proposed Lot 2: Variance pursuant to §150-65.A., of the Zoning Ordinance, which requires buildings to be constructed at the front yard setback line. The applicant is proposing to build contrary to the ordinance and as depicted on the proposed plan. The date, time and place of hearing is: March 28, 2024 at 8:00 PM United 33 Hook and Ladder Building, 21 North Bolton St., New Oxford, PA 17350 James R. Graham Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer Hamilton Township

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Hamilton Township Zoning Hearing – 12/10/2024

Applicant: NOBPA, LLC Date and Time: Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 6:00 PM Location: United 33 Hook and …

One comment

  1. Can I get a copy of the full traffic study?

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