Affordable Access to Health Care for All: Is it possible?
Affordable access to health care for all Pennsylvanians is the topic of a presentation by Dr. Dwight Michael, Gettysburg family physician, held on Monday, September 26, 2011, at the Brethren Cross Keys Village.
Many Pennsylvanians are currently without insurance or under-insured. Dr. Michael discusses a solution now pending in the state legislature in Harrisburg: the Family and Business Health Security Act.
This is an excellent program – my hat off to the people working on making this possible for all Pennsylvanians and thanks to Community Media for making this available to the general public. We need more programs like this so our residents are truly informed about such pressing issues. The talk in Washington with the so-called Super Committee is to Cut Medicare and Social Security; Dr. Michael makes the point quite convincly that Medicare should “expanded”.